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A Case for Travel: Airplane Travel is Safer than Grocery Shopping

airplane wing with clouds and the sun shining.
Airplane Travel is Safe: photo by Pixabay

According to a study released in October 2020, using layered safety measures could push the risk of catching coronavirus on an airplane below regular activities such as grocery shopping and eating at a restaurant. Researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health have written an in-depth report showing that airplane travel is safe.

One good thing has arisen from the ashes. Airplane cleaning has changed forever.

Travel is a personal decision. People need to travel. If they must go somewhere, they will find a way to get there. The public deserves the opportunity to reach informed decisions about air travel. As with any activity, such as driving, playing sports, or lifestyle choices, there are risks. How do we mitigate these risks and safely ensure the resumption of travel?

Harvard Study

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Aviation Public Health Initiative (APHI) is led by National Preparedness Leadership Initiative, a joint program of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Center for Public Leadership.

Say that all in one breath.

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The APHI academic team’s expertise is industrial hygiene, infectious disease, engineering, environmental, medical, social sciences, and crisis leadership. On the aviation side, airline operators, aviation industry manufacturers, and airport operators sponsored the project. The academic team is an inclusive, multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral, and multi-organizational unit intended to address the current SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) crisis in aviation. The project is a model for how industry and science can work together to overcome COVID-19 challenges. (Health, 2020)

The comprehensive strategy proposed incorporates layering NPI (non-pharmaceutical interventions) to create additive and/or synergistic benefits for reducing the risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 during air travel. This layered NPI approach, with ventilation gate-to-gate, reduces the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission onboard airplanes below that of other routine activities during the pandemic, such as grocery shopping or eating out. (Health, 2020)

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Key Findings

people on an airplane wearing masks
Airplane Travel is Safe: Photo by Elly Johnson on Unsplash

Key findings from the Harvard report highlight interactions from different NPI layers to risk mitigation include:

• Compliance with face mask-wearing and airplane’s environmental control systems diluting and removing pathogens reduce the risk of people acquiring COVID-19 during the cruise segment of their journey.

• Mask compliance reduces larger droplet dispersion that may deposit on surfaces. General airline cleaning practices and passengers sanitizing hard surfaces around their seats lowers the probability of contacting COVID-19.

• Combined, mask compliance, managed physical distancing, improved ventilation during boarding and disembarking, can reduce potential transmission to low levels.

• Requiring passengers to prove absence of COVID-19 symptoms, mandating they follow the airline’s COVID-related procedures provides protection. Gate and flight crewmembers assuming roles in assuring compliance will be essential to holding passengers accountable.

4 Key Factors in Risk Reduction to Make Airplane Travel Safe

man disinfecting seat pockets in an airplane
Airplane Travel is Safe: This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under creativecommons.org

1. Emerging Science on COVID-19: Research to characterize COVID-19 viral production and transmission is still emerging. Scientific judgement combines with evidence-based research to monitor changes throughout the pandemic. 

2. Layered Approach to Risk Reduction: The NPI proposed for risk mitigation of COVID-19 transmission includes consistently operated ventilation systems, disinfecting surfaces, wearing face masks, and social distancing procedures during boarding and deplaning.

3. Ventilation Systems on Airplanes: These sophisticated systems deliver clean cabin air in high amounts by rapidly dispersing exhaled air. Displacement of air in a downward direction reduces passenger-to-passenger respiratory pathogen spread. These systems can filter out 99.97% COVID-19 particles found on airplanes. (Health, 2020)

4. Crew and Passenger Behavior: Health screening for COVID-19 symptoms reduce the chance an infectious individual will board a plane until rapid, reliable, and inexpensive testing becomes available. (Health, 2020)

Healthy Air through Ventilation Systems

People have long expressed potential concerns about air quality inside commercial airplanes—a concern based on ignorance to airplane ventilation system operations.

Airplanes have a high air exchange rate of approximately every 2 to 3 minutes (20 to 30 ACH) while cruising—higher than recommended air exchange rates for an operating room in a hospital. (Health, 2020) While cruising, cabin air is recirculated about 40% to 50% and filtered through a high-efficiency particulate air filter, also known as a HEPA filter.

HEPA filters remove, at a minimum, 99.97% particulate matter from return air. High filtration levels ensure cabin air is particulate matter free, including bacteria and viruses. (Health, 2020)


We then began sampling onboard air at the various stages of flight from the boarding process to …, push back, taxi out, climb, cruise, descent, landing, ride, and deplaning… as a proxy for clean air we only measured particles, fine particles 0.3 to 25 microns in 48size. And we collected all that data with LTE equipment with personnel. And we also then sample various public spaces, grocery stores, big-box retailers, office environments, various places people encounter every day and what we conclusively found is that the onboard air systems, especially in the use of the HEPA filters have inherently and exponentially fewer particles of that size than the places we encounter every day. (Health, 2020)

Airplane Cleaning and Disinfection

man electrostatic spraying an airplane
Airplane Travel is Safe: This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under creativecommons.org

Airlines’ disinfection processes have changed to reduce any contaminated surfaces or fomites inside the cabin. Fomites are objects or materials which are likely to carry infection, such as clothes, utensils, and furniture. All airlines have added extra cleaning. High touch areas receive additional attention. Disinfection overnight or when there is enough time between flights is also a priority. (Health, 2020)

Some airlines perform electrostatic spraying at least once per day or between flights when having at least two to six hours or more. Foggers emit a fine mist cleaning agent throughout the cabin.  Those using electrostatic foggers go a step further. Aerosol passes around unreachable cabin elements such as overhead bins and tray tables. To carry out these extensive cleaning protocols, almost all airlines have included more training. (Health, 2020)

Inanimate Objects

Surfaces in airplane cabins are cleaned with effective disinfection agents approved by government agencies and reinforced by industry oversight bodies. Consistent with evidence from healthcare settings, infection with COVID-19 via fomites in airplane cabins is low. (Health, 2020)

Hand Sanitization

person sanitizing hands with gel
Air Travel is Safe: Image by Luisella Planeta Leoni from Pixabay

Hand sanitizers containing at least 60% alcohol can be used if hand-washing facilities are not readily available. Soap and active ingredients in disinfectants destroy the protein protective layer of COVID-19 virus with effectiveness of more than 99.9% in less than 1 minute. (Health, 2020)

Additional Measures to Ensure Airplane Travel is Safe

people boarding an airplane outdoors
Airplane Travel is Safe: Photo by Taha Sas on Unsplash

Airplane ventilation systems contribute to maintaining safe environments while operating during a flight, while at the gate, boarding, or deplaning passengers. Other specific steps for prevention include:

1) maintaining appropriate ventilation during all travel phases

2) Marking required physical distancing on the jetway bridge

3) Admitting limited passenger numbers at one time

4) Reducing carry-on to one item where possible

5) Having crewmembers manage disembarkation. These simple process management measures combined with face masks will cut COVID-19 transmission during these critical air travel segments.

What if I Must sit Beside Someone?

the back of airplane seats with seated passengers
Airplane Travel is Safe: Image by Stela Di from Pixabay

Several airlines do not block middle seats. No evidence can be found on how blocking seats might help to reduce COVID-19 infections. (Health, 2020)

Respiratory viruses are released into the environment in respiratory fluid droplets via breathing, vocalizing, sneezing and/or coughing. Respiratory particle physics released from coughing, sneezing, and breathing is beyond the scope of this article. For a full explanation on transmission routes, refer to Harvard report pages 56-60.

When the airplane ECS (environmental control system) operates, mask-wearing passenger in the nearest seat to a masked infectious person will have reduced exposure risk. The estimated dose inhaled by an adjacent passenger over a few hours is likely to be less than necessary to cause a secondary infection. (Health, 2020)

What if Someone Begins to Exhibit Symptoms Onboard?

Airline crews are now trained to handle incidents should a passenger start exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms onboard. All airplanes have medical kits onboard. Some have more specialized kits including N95 respirators, protective PPE (personal protective equipment), and oximeters in medical kits. More than half the airlines in the Harvard report have third-party medical help consultation. (Health, 2020)

HostGator Free Domain

Airplane Travel is Safer than Grocery Shopping

When meeting current ventilation standards with 50% recirculated HEPA-filtered air, airplanes exchange rate significantly exceeds all normally encountered environments. The Harvard report shows airplanes have fresh air, resulting in a short lifetime for particles. Exposure to infectious particles is lower than any other common encountered environment. Particles from a cough or a sneeze are flushed from the cabin in as little as two to five minutes, as opposed to some six hours in a commercial or retail space.

Airlines Step up to the Challenge to Make Airplane Travel Safe

APEX Health Safety powered by SimpliFlying

APEX (Airline Passenger Experience Association Health Safety) powered by SimpliFlying sets industry standard for customer-centric COVID-19 certification. APEX is a 43-year-old non-profit dedicated to advancing customer experience on airplanes.

While all global airlines remain safe based upon governmental review and COVID-19 requirements, SimpliFlying provides a scientific validation designed to encourage airlines to reach beyond government requirements to a higher standard to make airplane travel safe.

The Health Safety Standard purpose is to:

  • Give airlines a proactive role in global travel resumption.
  • Create a common standard of health safety for passengers.
  • Highlight successful industry practices.

There are three safety standard levels: Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. Diamond is the highest achievable level.

To see launched airlines joining APEX Health Safety Standard, click here.

To see CDC cleaning guidelines for airplanes after a flight, go here.

United Airlines Receives Hospital Grade Cleanliness

airplane taking off from the runway
Air Travel is Safe: Image by Nel Botha from Pixabay

United Airlines has exceptional cleaning standards. APEX and SimpliFlying have given United the highest possible certification in the new APEX Health Safety audit powered by SimpliFlying. United was the first carrier to achieve Diamond status. (Travel Pulse, 2021)

United submitted detailed responses for audit against a 58-point checklist covering 10 categories including contact tracing, on-the-ground procedures, in-flight measures, and strategic partnerships. United has worked with strategic partners such as Clorox to redefine disinfection procedures to create a healthier environment.

Air Canada Awarded for Health and Safety Programs

Air Canada has hospital-grade level biosecurity to make airplane travel safe. Their customers and employees’ safety is their top priority.

Air Canada is certified as a global champion for its commitment to health and safety of customers and employees as it received Diamond certification from APEX Health Safety powered by SimpliFlying. Air Canada’s initiative since onset of COVID-19 includes Air Canada’s CleanCare+ program. (Travel Pulse Canada, 2021)

personal protective equipment provided by Air Canada on flights, mask, hand sanitizer, water, wipes, pretzels, headphones
Air Travel is Safe: The CleanCare+ package is complimentary for every passenger onboard Air Canada flights. Photo by Charlotte Tweed.

We reimagined everything from the check-in process, baggage handling, in-flight services, mandatory face-coverings, pre-flight temperature, and expanded grooming procedures. – Lucie Guillemette, Executive Vice-President and Chief Commercial Officer at Air Canada.

Air Canada also partnered with MHL (McMaster Health Lab) and Greater Toronto Airports Authority for a study demonstrating feasibility of airport-based testing to help reduce required quarantine periods. Preliminary results based on 20,000 tests conducted on more than 8,600 study participants between September 3-October 2, 2020, found 99% tested negative for COVID-19. (Travel Pulse Canada, 2021)

Travel and Hospitality Industry Taking the Blame

Travel is responsible for only 2% of cases yet, the travel industry shoulders the blame and shame. There have been misleading stories written about COVID-19 cases coming into Canada by airplane. If you check the flights mentioned, many are cargo flights, not passenger planes. Cargo planes will be coming into Canada as essential traffic no matter what rules the government places on passenger traffic. (Mowers, 2021)

Public health data shows approximately 99% of positive COVID cases are not travel-related.  (Travel Pulse Canada, 2021)

100% of passengers tested negative in WestJet YVR Test Project. (PAX Global Media, 2021)

The CDC has stated “the risk of getting a contagious disease on an airplane is low” (Health, 2020)

Yet, we are still blaming and shaming travel.

Be a Responsible Traveller and Know Airplane Travel is Safe

Promote solidarity. Support recovery. Follow guidelines. Together we can stay steady during unsteady times. Let’s get this world turning again and realize it is safe to fly again and start planning your travel destination dream. #best #travel
Air Travel is Safe: Photo by Lucia Otero on Unsplash

Assess personal risks before flying. Make informed decisions. During a pandemic, transmission possibility will always exist in public environments. Life is risky business. Individuals with higher risk should consult health care providers for specific personalized information.

Global governments and institutions need to work together to develop common standards to make cross-border travel easier. Harnessing collaborative mindset can enhance travel for all. We can open freedoms and quality of life responsibly.

Rapid testing implementation at airports across Canada would be an added protection for travellers and communities. What do we hear on the news from some politicians? “Close the airports!” This is the wrong approach when there are feasible alternatives that can, and should, be implemented. Enough of the fear-mongering.

Promote solidarity. Support recovery. Follow guidelines. Together we can stay steady during unsteady times. Let’s get this world turning again.

a man sitting in a chair in an airport lounge

Though a formidable adversary, SARS-CoV-2 need not overwhelm society’s capacity to adapt and progress. Developing strategies mitigating the spread of the disease while allowing a careful reopening of sectors of society is possible. There is much to gain by simply following the science. It offers a bounty of information about how people can achieve both public health safety and opportunity. (Health, 2020)

To Read the Full Harvard Report, click here.

The project may also issue bulletins and updates, which can be found at the APHI website.

Phase 2 of the report covering the airport experience from gate-to-gate can be found here.


APEX. (2021). APEX Health Safety. Retrieved from APEX.aero: https://apex.aero/awards/apex-health-safety/

Health, F. a. (2020). Assessment of Risks of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission During Air Travel and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions to Reduce Risk Phase One Report: Gate-to-Gate Travel Onboard Aircraft. The National Preparedness Leadership Initiative is a joint program of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Center for Public Leadership.

Miller, S. (2020, November 20). Disinfectant Damage: Are Cleaning Products Harming Aircraft Interiors? Retrieved from APEX.Aero: https://apex.aero/articles/disinfectant-damage-are-cleaning-products-damaging-aircraft-interiors/

Mowers, M. (2021, January 25). canadiantravelnews.ca. Retrieved from Canadian Travel News: https://canadiantravelnews.ca/2021/01/25/when-covid-is-about-more-than-travel-why-we-should-all-be-mad/

PAX Global Media. (2021, January 21). news.paxeditions.com. Retrieved from PAX News: https://news.paxeditions.com/news/airline/100-passengers-have-so-far-tested-negative-covid-19-westjet-yvr-study

Travel Pulse. (2021, January 12). United Airlines Receives Hospital-Grade Cleanliness Certification. Retrieved from travelpulse.com: https://www.travelpulse.com/news/airlines/united-airlines-receives-hospital-grade-cleanliness-certification.html

Travel Pulse Canada. (2021, January 26). Retrieved from ca.travelpulse.com: https://ca.travelpulse.com/news/airlines/national-airlines-council-supports-mandatory-tests-but-not-tougher-quarantines.html

Travel Pulse Canada. (2021, January 12). ca.travelpulse.com. Retrieved from ca.travelpulse.com: https://ca.travelpulse.com/news/airlines/air-canada-awarded-for-health-and-safety-programs.html

Pick up my Published Travel Memoir for Inspiration:

Roam Free is a deeply personal and often hilarious travel memoir that pulls you in to the wild and woolly ride of my epic travel adventures. If you loved Peter Mayle’s A Year in Provence, you’ll delight in Roam Free’s sweetly innocent deep dive into a life of untethered long-term travel. Get your copy on Amazon and become inspired today.

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Wondering if airplane travel is safe? Check out this post the best information to see if air travel is safe! #travel #best
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4 Small Towns You’ll Fall in Love With in Germany

The famous gate granting access to the walled town of Rothenburg
The famous gate granting access to the walled town of Rothenburg.

Germany has done a fantastic job of preserving its vast collection of medieval buildings. Fairytale towns dot the countryside like coloured sprinkles on a spiced cake. The Middle Ages and the Renaissance are brought to life before your eyes. According to 23 and Me, my ancestry is just south of Bavaria, Germany. Could my relatives have walked down the same streets of these fascinating small towns hundreds of years ago?

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1. Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Rothenburg is one the finest preserved medieval towns in all of Europe. In the heart of Bavaria, Rothenburg is a part of the Romantic Road along a string of medieval cities and Roman ruins. Most importantly, walking the fairytale streets takes you back through thousands of years of history.

The Church of St. Jakob

St. Jakob's Church serves as a church on the pilgrimage route to St. James Church in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
St. Jakob’s Church serves as a church on the pilgrimage route to St. James Church in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

In the centre of town is the church of St. Jakob built between 1311-1485. The treasures inside are relics such as The Altar of the Holy Blood, The Twelve Apostles Altar and the 600-year old glass stained windows in the East choir area. All are an incredible sight to behold.

The Altar of the Holy Blood is a masterpiece carved by the famous Würzburg sculptor, Tilman Riemenschneider, between 1499 and 1505. The altar is located upstairs in the West gallery of the church. At the top of the altar is a rock crystal capsule that holds a sample of Christ’s blood. There is a small fee to enter the church to see the altar but it is worth it. We did see tourists enter the church and quickly snap a picture of the altar of the Twelve Apostles from a distance and then leave without paying the entrance fee, therefore missing the Altar of the Holy Blood.

The Altar of the Holy blood was carved from limewood and left unpainted
The Altar of the Holy blood was carved from limewood and left unpainted.

The Twelve Apostles Altar is the High Altar in the church. Considered one of the finest altars in all of Germany, the High Altar was completed in 1466. The wood carvings are the genius work of Swabian artists. Swabian master artists are an ethnic German people that are native to or have ancestral roots in the cultural and linguistic region of Swabia. Now the area is mostly divided between the modern states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. On another personal side note, Swabia is the area of my ancestry. I happen to have carpenters in the family and those that love to work with their hands. The talent must be in the genes!

The lower scene shows Jesus among his disciples, hence, The Twelve Apostles Altar
The lower scene shows Jesus among his disciples, hence, The Twelve Apostles Altar.

Where to Stay

Where to Go for Lunch

We stopped at Gasthof Butz for a delicious lunch. The restaurant is on a quiet side street with a delightful beer garden to enjoy a drink, linger and dine on fantastic food. I had the smoked salmon with pumpkin potato cakes accompanied by a salad and horseradish aioli. The meal was superb! The salmon was tender, like butter, and so fresh. The aioli was excellent, proposing temptation to eat the lemon it was served on.

Smoked salmon, salad and potato pumpkin cakes in Rothenburg, Germany at Galthof Butz restaurant.
Smoked salmon, salad and potato pumpkin cakes in Rothenburg, Germany at Gasthof Butz restaurant.

Gasthof Butz also serves as a family owned inn since 1894. Also located in the centre of the old town, the inn used to be a brewery until 1920. The six-pointed alchemist star outside the tavern door is a reminder of the old brewery tradition. Many people in medieval times could not read so this star would direct people to the brewery inside.

The Brewery Star, the symbol of the alchemists, is a symbol of fermentation. The star outside a door pointed to the brewery inside the building in medieval times.
The Brewery Star, the symbol of the alchemists, is a symbol of fermentation.

2. Monschau

The Roer River runs through Monschau
The Roer River runs through Monschau.

Monschau is a charming medieval town in western Germany near the Belgian border. It was here I finally had the indulgence of wiener schnitzel in Germany. Since childhood I had always wanted to go to Germany and eat wiener schnitzel. James Beard says, “Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” I have to agree.

Where to Stay

Where to Go for Lunch

Schnitzel "Wiener Art" at Schloss-Cafe Royal, Monschau
Schnitzel “Wiener Art” at Schloss-Cafe Royal, Monschau.

Monschau is known for its medieval town centre and half-timbered houses with narrow cobblestone streets. It is easy to navigate around the town and see all there is to see in a day. A pathway leads up to a lookout over the town near the old water wheel mill where you can get a great panoramic view. Looming over the town is the turreted Monschau Castle, which hosts open-air concerts. In addition, the town is located near Eifel National Park so there are other options for outdoor enthusiasts to extend their stay past a day trip to pretty Monschau.

Lovely Monschau, Germany. Medieval town with half-timbered houses
Lovely Monschau!

3. Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Street from the main square to the Schlosskirche
Street from the main square to the Schlosskirche.

Lutherstadt Wittenberg is a university town in Saxony-Anhalt along the River Elbe in eastern Germany. Wittenberg is full of historical buildings of interest, particularly to those following the Lutheran doctrine of faith because the roots of the Reformation began here. The Marktplazt (Market Square) has been a UNESCO Heritage Site since 1996. There are many restaurants in the square to grab lunch and a wonderful bakery to have coffee and kuchen. If you feel you need a break from sausage and sauerkraut, stop at WittenBurger for a huge, scrumptious burger and a massive order of fries. The huge serving of fries is enough for two people to share.

Where to Stay

Where to Eat

A burger, combo of sweet potato and regular fries washed down with a Luther beer.
A burger, combo of sweet potato and regular fries washed down with a Luther beer. Hubby doesn’t like pickles…
coffee and kuchen served at break time in Germany
We stopped at Bäckerei-Konditorei Meiling for coffee and kuchen.

Small-Town Travel Tip: Park underground at the mall just off the Marktplatz. It is €3 for the day and you can walk to all the historic sites.

The Churches of Wittenberg

On the town’s main plaza, stands the 13th-century Stadtkirche St. Marien (The Town Church of St. Mary’s). Known as the Mother Church of the Reformation, this is where Martin Luther preached. The Gothic church is the oldest building in Wittenberg. The Town Church is Martin Luther’s home church where he baptized six of his children in the 500-year old baptismal font. Above the altar is the world-famous painting by Lucas Cranach portraying Luther’s rich Biblical theology.

Stadtkirche St. Marien overlooks the town square. The choir dates to about 1300; construction on the rest continued until 1470.
Stadtkirche St. Marien overlooks the town square. The choir section dates to about 1300; construction on the rest continued until 1470.

Kapele Corpus Christi (The Chapel of the Body of Christ) is right next to the Town Church. This quaint church is tiny and it is here where Luther performed small weddings, baptisms and funerals. English services are held on Wednesday and Fridays at 3:00 pm from the end of April until the beginning of November.

Kapele Corpus Christi, tiny, quaint church in Wittenberg, Germany
Kapele Corpus Christi.

Schlosskirche (The Castle Church), built in 1500, is where the Protestant Reformation began. Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the wooden door of the church. The original door was destroyed in a fire. Now, bronze doors with the 95 Theses printed on them bring testament to Luther’s challenge to the Catholic church. Inside are the statues of the many notable figures from the Reformation period. Luther’s tomb is inside underneath the main pulpit. English services are held in this church by the Wittenberg English Ministry (WEM).

The commanding Castle Church (Schlosskirche)
The commanding Castle Church (Schlosskirche).

The Visitor Information centre right outside the church has detailed maps of the historical buildings throughout the town. Also, you can get information on various English-speaking services held regularly in the different churches in Wittenberg.

Historical Buildings

Lutherhaus Museum is where Martin Luther lived from 1508-1546. The house, originally used as a house for Augustinian hermits, was built in 1504. Converted into a museum in 1883, Lutherhaus is now dedicated to the history of the Reformation.

Luther was given Lutherhaus in 1532 and lived there with his family and his wife Katharina von Bora
Luther was given Lutherhaus in 1532 and lived there with his family and his wife Katharina von Bora.

Melanchthonhaus is a stop on the walk to Lutherhaus from the Marktplatz. Built in 1536, this is the former home of Luther’s friend and fellow Reformer, Philip Melanchthon. This medieval home is now a museum. This Renaissance house stands out as an architectural marvel on the street.

Melanchton House is a Renaissance style house in Wittenberg built in 1536.
Melanchton House was built in 1536.

Alaris Butterfly Park

An unexpected delight in Wittenberg was the Alaris Butterfly Park. Located at Pfaffengasse 8, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg, this tremendous tropical greenhouse gives refuge to 140 different species of butterflies. I could have stayed all day to discover the butterflies. Every moment was one of relaxation, excitement and wonder. You never know what you are going to see next, what flickering moment of beauty is going to pass by your eyes. Have patience. Some of the most stunning butterflies don’t move for a long time. You may see the inside of their wings  in a brief, glory-filled flash. Unwind. Sit. Retreat. Discover different species of these beautiful creatures as they flutter-by.

The gorgeous Glass-Winged Butterfly
The gorgeous Glass-Winged Butterfly.

The People of Wittenburg

We were greeted warmly by the volunteers of WEM at three different services we attended. Likewise, they invited us to Stammtisch on Thursday evening. A Stammtisch is an informal group meeting held on a regular basis. The group usually meets around large, round tables. At this particular Stammtisch, the WEM group met with local Germans where they would practice their English, enjoy food and drink. Sadly, we had to miss the event because we left Wittenberg that morning due to plans we could not cancel.

Our host in Wittenburg was forthright in sharing local information on things to see and do. Curiosity about our life in Canada was evident. He often teased us about the French car we were driving. In one conversation, he inquired about the speed limit in Canada and scoffed when we said it was 110 km per hour. For those of you that don’t know, the Autobahn is German’s highway that has no speed limit, unless posted. Our French SUV had a hard time keeping up at 140 km per hour in the middle lane. The fast lane is on the left and cars blew by us like we were but a speck of dust on the road.

4. Waldeck

Sunset over the upper town of Waldeck, Germany.
Sunset over the upper town of Waldeck, Germany.

Nestled in the rolling hills of Hesse, Germany is Waldeck, a small town in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district. With a population of just over 7,000, this small community is off the beaten path of touristy towns. Waldeck bears a personal connection that you can read about here. Peace and quiet await with striking views of the German countryside from biergartens perched at the top of the town.

The town is comprised of an upper and lower area. The lower part of Waldeck is almost entirely residential. In contrast, the upper part located on the top of the hill is where the restaurants, main street and shops are located.

View of the lower part of Waldeck, Germany
View of the lower part of Waldeck, Germany.

Where to Stay

If you have always wanted to stay overnight in a castle, Schloss Waldeck comes highly recommended. This 4-star hotel has had many functions in the past. The rooms are incredibly spacious and reasonably priced. There are restaurants at the castle as well as a torture museum from medieval times.

The back terrace of Schloss Waldeck
The back terrace of Schloss Waldeck.

Germany: An Extraordinary Destination

Germany is accessible, clean and organized. Cultural riches and architectural landmarks abound. Germany’s important role played in Europe’s history is reflected in many of its attractions. The people are friendly and the food is wonderful and hearty. Consequently, Germany is a favourite destination because it has everything; fascinating history, grand scenery (especially in Bavaria), and pleasing culinary delights. Additionally, the countryside is full of countless, magical small towns to discover. Small towns that offer the ability to interact with locals on an intimate basis.

The view of Edersee Lake from the terrace of Schloss Waldeck
The view of Edersee Lake from the terrace of Schloss Waldeck.

All pictures in this post are taken by Charlotte, yours truly, as always, unless otherwise stated.

Pick up my Published Travel Memoir for Inspiration:

Roam Free is a deeply personal and often hilarious travel memoir that pulls you in to the wild and woolly ride of my epic travel adventures. If you loved Peter Mayle’s A Year in Provence, you’ll delight in Roam Free’s sweetly innocent deep dive into a life of untethered long-term travel. Get your copy on Amazon and become inspired today.

“I just finished your book and I wrote a great review on Amazon. Congratulations on your book, your blogging career, and mostly on your courage to step out of the box then burn the damn box!! Your book is inspiring. Bravo.” – Irene Cabay

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Want to make your own adventure travel memories but don’t know where to start? A Wandering Web Travels can help you plan and book your bucket list travel today.

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Find cheap transportation by using Kiwi.com. This search engine combs websites and airlines around the globe to become the ultimate travel hack.

Book Your Accommodation:

You can book hotels, apartments, resorts, villas, B&Bs and guest houses at Booking.com! They consistently return the most economical rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.

Like surprises? Try Hotwire.com and Save up to 60% off 4+ Star Hot Rate Hotels!

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For the best small-group tours check out G Adventures’ Insanely affordable tours!

Viator is another great option so don’t miss out! Guaranteed lowest prices on tours and activities.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance:

Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. We like World Nomads because they have great rates and cover a range of adventurous activities.

P.S. – If you’ve found our website helpful and like to book travel yourself, please consider booking your next trip through the links on our Resources Page. We have personally used the companies listed there in our own travels. By booking through these links, the small commission we earn helps us keep the content up to date, expand our resources, and keep the website community supported.

Mission statement: Transform your life with travel—one destination, one adventure, one story at a time.

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Best Photography Locations in Belgium

Photographers unite and descend on Belgium! The incredible small country with big personality brims with stunning architecture, cobblestone streets, UNESCO World Heritage Sites and charismatic cities on canals making Venice jealous.  Check out the best photography locations in Belgium.

This post contains affiliate links, which means if you click through and buy something, you could help support my quest to discover every type of Belgian beer on the market.


Churches, belfries and towers. These types of buildings pack Belgian cities and towns. As a result of construction taking hundreds of years to complete, different periods are represented all over the country from gothic, baroque and rococo. Consequently, the towers of many churches will bear all three different period influences.

Church of Our Lady in Antwerp, Belgium
Church of Our Lady

Flemish architecture is unique and recognizable. The old buildings lining the streets have stood the test of time and tragedies of wars and plagues. It is astonishing how century-old buildings are still standing and being put to good use. Street photographers, prepare for utopia while in Belgium.

Street of Antwerp, Belgium featuring Flemish architecture, a building with Belgian beers and brews and yellow umbrellas

The novel, A Dog of Flanders is the inspiration behind this statue of Nello and Patrasche, the main characters in the heartbreaking story. The people of China and Chow Tai Sing sponsored this work of art located in the square of Antwerp. So beloved is the story of Nello and Patrasche with the Chinese people they chose to honour the duo forever in stone.

Statues of Nello and Patrasche from A Dog of Flanders under a cobblestone blanket in Antwerp, Belgium


Belgian Percherons graze in a green pasture at Bokrijk, Belgium

Bokrijk is an open-air museum providing a chance to step back into Belgium’s past. It’s a hands-on way to experience Belgian heritage while taking pictures of Belgian Percherons, windmills and architecture. The chance to capture architecture, live animals and people in period costumes make it one of the best photography locations in Belgium.


Large windmill with red banners stands against a blue sky with clouds in Bokrijk, Belgium


The lovely white buildings of the ‘Princely Béguinage Ten Wijngaarde’ were founded in 1245. Béguines no longer live here but it is home to nuns of the Order of St. Benedict and several Bruges women who have decided to remain unmarried. Be respectful as you enjoy the béguinage as people live here and consider it an area of worship.

The large beguinage in Bruges, Belgium
The serene inner court of the beguinage.

Bruges is one of the most famous cities in Belgium. The canals gracing the city proudly bear the nickname of Venice of the North. The canals add a special charm to the city, complementing the Flemish architecture and fabulous medieval structures of days gone by.

Canals of Bruges, Belgium with boat of people riding through them.

The streets of Bruges, Belgium

Church of Our Lady is as splendid as they come. Housed inside the church are Michelangelo’s world-famous “Madonna and Child” sculpture, innumerable paintings, 13th-century painted sepulchres and the tombs of Mary of Burgundy and Charles the Bold. It is superb inside and out.

Church of Our Lady, Bruges, Belgium


Gorgeous buildings surround the Grand-Place in Brussels. Visit the plaza when the square is covered in a luxurious carpet of 1 million begonias. This spectacle takes place every two years. Plan your next visit to Brussels from August 13-16, 2020 to take in this magical event.

The Grand-Place in Brussels
Although beautiful today, the Grand-Place has an interestingly dark history. In 1523 the first Protestant martyrs, Hendrik Voes and Jan Van Essen were burned by the Inquisition in the square.

It does not seem right to talk about photography in Brussels and not mention the famous peeing statue of the little boy, Manneken Pis. The rebellious statue boasts more than 900 different outfits which rotate throughout the year. There are a few legends under little Manneken’s belt. One of them is about a savvy little boy. Seeing the dangers of a lit fuse of gunpowder, the little boy took action with his own equipment by defiantly whizzing on the fuse and saving the city from mass destruction. Maybe that is where the famous saying comes from.

The peeing statue of Manneken Pis in Brussels, Belgium

The Atomium is a landmark building created for the 1958 Brussels World Fair. It is now a museum featuring different exhibits throughout the year. The structure is a model depicting nine-iron crystal atoms. The structure shines like diamonds in the sun and stands 102 metres high.

Small-Town Travel Tip: (Yes, Brussels is no small town, but I’m the small-town girl) Hey, where’s the picture? The Atomium is protected by Intellectual Property rights by SABAM and photos cannot be reproduced for any type of commercial activity. You can check out Instagram, though!


The Castle of the Counts in Ghent, Belgium

The magnificent Castle of the Counts is a famous landmark. Built in 1180, it is the only medieval castle remaining with an intact moat and defense system. From the top, you can see beautiful views of the town square.

The town square of Ghent, Belgium
The town square as viewed from the Castle of the Counts.

Ghent also has numerous canals deserving your attention and photography skills.

The canals of Ghent, Belgium

My favourite place to photograph in Ghent was Saint Bavo’s Abbey. I could have stayed there all day and taken pictures of this oasis in the city. It was so quiet and there was nobody there but us. The ruins of Saint Bavo’s Abbey exude history. The Abbey was founded in the 7th century to convert the inhabitants of Ganda to Christianity. Also, the oldest wall in Ghent still stands here.

Inside the medieval ruins of St. Bavo's Abbey, Ghent, Belgium
Inside the medieval ruins of St. Bavo’s Abbey.

Inside the Refectory of St. Bavo's Abbey in Ghent, Belgium
Inside the Refectory at St. Bavo’s Abbey, Romanesque 12th century.


Saint Rumbold’s Cathedral was built in the 13th century. This striking church is a survivor of bombings, raids and even fires. Still, the phenomenal structure stands.

The tower of Saint Rumbold's Cathedral in Mechelen, Belgium
The tower of Saint Rumbold’s Cathedral.

The béguinages in Belgium will steal your heart. If street photography is your thing, you simply must visit Mechelen. You will find yourself snapping capture after capture of the medieval buildings where béguines lived and thrived. They even had their own brewery and it is still in operation today. The Het Anker brewery located in the large béguinage has delicious beers, whiskeys and tours. Dating back to 1369, the brewery is one of the oldest in Belgium.

Streets of the large beguinage in Mechelen, Belgium
Streets of the large béguinage in Mechelen.

Mechelen’s first home to the béguines was the small béguinage, founded in 1256. Béguines were single women who chose a life of solitude. For many of them, their husband’s departed for the Crusades and never returned. Therefore, the women formed their own communities and supported each other in order to survive.

The streets of the small beguinage in Mechelen, Belgium
The streets of the small beguinage in Mechelen.


The plains of the battlefield of Waterloo, Belgium
Waterloo battlefield, where Napoleon did surrender.

Napoleon was defeated on the plains of Waterloo. The iconic Lions Mound overlooks the fields where the battle took place. Ascend to the top of this famous monument for a 360-degree view of the lovely Belgian countryside. Imagine what used to be a bloody battlefield, filled with smoke and the stench of gunpowder and death. Now a carpet of farmer’s fields, the plains are the picture of peace and tranquility.

The Lion Monument at Waterloo, Belgium

Best Photography Locations in Belgium

The raw beauty of this tiny country in Europe is a photographer’s dream. Most importantly, Belgium is a photographer’s paradise not only because of its exquisiteness but because of the intriguing history of the region. The history is what makes the locations of this resilient country make your photos come alive and you will visualize yourself time and again walking the streets with new discoveries around every corner. See more Belgium photos and fuel your wanderlust. “Who lives sees, but who travels sees more.” – Anonymous

All pictures in this post are taken by Charlotte, yours truly, as always, unless otherwise stated.

Pick up my Published Travel Memoir for Inspiration

Roam Free is a deeply personal and often hilarious travel memoir that pulls you in to the wild and woolly ride of my epic travel adventures. If you loved Peter Mayle’s A Year in Provence, you’ll delight in Roam Free’s sweetly innocent deep dive into a life of untethered long-term travel. Get your copy on Amazon and become inspired today.

“I just finished your book and I wrote a great review on Amazon. Congratulations on your book, your blogging career, and mostly on your courage to step out of the box then burn the damn box!! Your book is inspiring. Bravo.” – Irene Cabay

Book Your Flight and Car Rental

Find cheap transportation by using Kiwi.com. This search engine combs websites and airlines around the globe to become the ultimate travel hack.

Book Your Accommodation

You can book hotels, apartments, resorts, villas, B&Bs and guest houses at Booking.com! They consistently return the most economical rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.

Like surprises? Try Hotwire.com and Save up to 60% off 4+ Star Hot Rate Hotels!

Always been curious about Airbnb but afraid to try? Now you can check them out and earn up to $62 CAD off your first trip!

Check out our world recommendations page on Where to Stay!

Book Your Small-Group Tour, Activities and Attractions

For the best small-group tours check out G Adventures’ Insanely affordable tours!

Viator is another great option so don’t miss out! Guaranteed lowest prices on tours and activities.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance

Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. We like World Nomads because they have great rates and cover a range of adventurous activities.

P.S. – If you’ve found our website helpful, please consider booking your next trip through the links on our Resources Page. We have personally used the companies listed there in our own travels. By booking through these links, the small commission we earn helps us keep the content up to date, expand our resources, and keep the website community supported.

best photography locations in Belgium


Thinking of Going to Cinque Terre? Read This Before You Go!

Terraced houses in Riomaggiore Cinque Terre
Terraced houses in Riomaggiore.

Cinque Terre National Park is a storybook land complete with five little rainbow coloured villages. The steep cliffs that house these towns are ample with terraced gardens and stunning views of the Italian Riviera. Thinking of going to Cinque Terre? Read this before you go!

*Note: Some of these links are affiliate links, meaning that if you book through my link, I will make a small commission (at no extra cost to you).

View of Cinque Terre National Park from Corniglia. The village of Vernazza is in the distance.
View of Cinque Terre National Park from Corniglia. The village of Vernazza is in the distance.

The Park Card “Hiking Card”

There are two cards you can buy to explore the Cinque Terre. One is the Hiking Card and the other is the Train Card. The Hiking Card gives you access to the following services:

  • Access to the Park’s area.
  • Guided tours and excursions “Cinque Terre Walking Park” according to the schedule.
  • Free pass for the bus service within the five villages, managed by the ATC.
  • Free pass for the pay toilets (the pass is a must for this, otherwise you will be paying 1€ each time you need to use the facilities).
  • CEA (Environmental Education Center) workshop according to the schedule.
  • Use of Internet Wi-Fi in the Park Hot-Spot (don’t get too excited about this… it didn’t work).
  • Reduced-fee entrance to the Civic Museum of La Spezia.

The Park Card “Train MS Card”

We chose the Train Card when we explored the Cinque Terre. Both cards can be purchased at Cinque Terre Point Information Centers located in each village. The train stations at La Spezia and Levanto also sell the card. We purchased the card at the La Spezia train station on platform 1. There is a one-day option and a two-day option. You will need two days if you plan to visit all five villages. Line-ups are long to purchase the card. Cinque Terre is famous and attracts a vast amount of travellers. The card includes the following services:

  • All services included with the “Hiking Card”.
  • Free access for the second-class train travel on all the regional trains between Levanto and La Spezia and return. This is essentially a hop-on-hop-off service that takes you between the towns as often as you wish.
The streets of Riomaggiore Cinque Terre
The streets of Riomaggiore.

We chose the Train Card because two of the paths between the villages were closed during our visit. Hiking the Cinque Terre paths are a dream for some people. Due to our health, the hike between paths would have been out of the question. Both Darryl and I had come down with a nasty illness after leaving Rome as a result of our room containing mould. Darryl’s cough was so violent that he blew the blood vessels in his eyes. I had broken out in hives from the mysterious mouldy substance. Gratefully, there are pharmacies on nearly every corner in Italy with knowledgeable people willing to help sickly travellers.

thinking of going to Cinque Terre
Taking a rest at the top of Manarola.

Bus Service

The villages of Cinque Terre are built on cliffs and in valleys, which means a lot of walking uphill. If you desire, a bus service will take you from the bottom of the villages to the top. We didn’t use the bus service but did notice the signs indicating pick up and drop off zones. The schedules change so check www.atcesercizio.it for updates. The bus service is valuable for those with mobility issues. Bus access is included in both the Hiking and Train Card.

The Cinque Terre National Park

Established in 1999, The Cinque Terre Park is the smallest National Park in Italy covering 3,860 hectares. At the same time, it is the most densely populated with about 4,000 residents in the five villages; Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare.

terraced gardens of the cinque terre. Olive groves on hills.

The natural environment has been deeply altered by human interaction. For centuries, the inhabitants of the villages dissected the steep slopes of the hills and cliffs that delve into the sea to obtain strips of arable land. The residents cultivate and take care of the land while at the same time tracing and rediscovering the ancient practices of their forefathers. This legacy has caused Cinque Terre to be in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites. The Park Authority purpose is to promote a new culture to communicate the uniqueness of Cinque Terre to the traveller and provide visitors with a high level of quality in all stages of their visit and stay.

The Footpaths

There is ample hiking in Cinque Terre. Before going, check to see what paths are open. As stated earlier, two paths were closed between villages on our visit. Good footwear is suggested and good hiking practice is a must. The paths are like mountain trails often without protection. Considerable differences in height exist and there are also points with exposed danger. The ground can be bumpy and vary depending on weather conditions. Children must be accompanied by adults and carefully supervised. If you want to go on guided walking tours of the National Park, email visiteguideate@ati5terre.it for info and reservations.

Where to Stay

The Five Villages


colourful houses line the green hills of riomaggiore cinque terre
We aren’t in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Riomaggiore was established along the steep valley of the stream Rio-Major. The marina is magnificent: from there, the colourful tower-houses seem to rise from the sea to meet the green hills. At the top of the village is the church of San Giovanni Battista. All Cinque Terre churches are accessible and free to enter. You may want to stop and get a panini or a snack nearby and enjoy the view and the architecture. After all, you’ve made it to Cinque Terre! Take your time and enjoy it. When you buy the park pass, you will receive a booklet with a history of the towns as well as maps so you can make your way around the winding streets. The villages are small making for easy navigation.


The Cinque Terre, Manarola, the most photogenic of the five towns with colourful houses, beautiful seaside and greenery
The Cinque Terre, Manarola

The most photogenic of the handsome little towns is Manarola. Vineyards and olive trees frame the multi-coloured houses. Adventurous types can dive off a cliff into the azure waters at the marina. We watched one not-so-brave soul take at least 15 minutes before she finally took the big leap into the refreshing waters below. As you make your way down to the marina, stop for gelato at Gelataria Enrica. The price is reasonable and the gelato is delicious. If you have never had gelato in Italy, you are in for a treat. Flavourful and creamy, there is nothing like it on a hot day. Flavours come in almost any combination you can imagine from fruits to espresso to tropical twists.

Girl jumping off rocks into the water in manarola cinque terre
It’s about time…

At the top of Manarola is Chiesa di San Lorenzo, another tiny church that watches over the community. A clock tower across the square provides shade on a hot day. Certainly, it is quieter at the top of the village since the vast number of tourists head down and stay at the marina. If you want peace and quiet, make sure to hike to the top of each village. Here is where you will find empty streets and can enjoy the pastel buildings rolling over the landscape.


The narrow streets of Corniglia Cinque Terre with colourful houses and tourists
Streets of Corniglia.

The smallest of the five villages, Corniglia was our favourite. It has difficult access to the sea; therefore, no beach and no throngs of tourists. This quiet, charming community won us over immediately. Built upon a cliff, the views of the Italian Riviera are unobscured. Corniglia is visible from the other four villages making it unique.

charcuterie in Italy, meats, cheese, wine and condiments
God bless Italian food!

We stopped for lunch at Ristorante Terra Rossa, a little terrace restaurant with no indoor seating and no Wi-Fi. No Wi-Fi added to the charm with everyone needing to be in constant contact these days. We ordered the charcuterie board accompanied with two glasses of wine. Darryl doesn’t like wine so I helped myself to both glasses as we drank in the view of the sea. The food was delectable. The marinated pearl onions were to die for. Steeped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar, the wee onions of joy will make your mouth sing. We didn’t want to leave this serene little village, but alas, we only had two days to explore this extraordinary area.

View of the Italian Riviera from Ristorante Terra Rossa in Corniglia.
View of the Italian Riviera from Ristorante Terra Rossa in Corniglia.


The church of Santa Margherita d’Antiochia by Vernazza's marina Cinque Terre
The church of Santa Margherita d’Antiochia by Vernazza’s marina.

Vernazza sits on a modest but enchanting bay, with crystal waters mirroring the church of Santa Margherita d’Antiochia. Incredibly, the medieval church still has the original altar inside. From the ancient lookout fortress on the marina, you can see the entire Gulf of Cinque Terre.

Small-Town Travel Tip: Don’t worry about buying bottles of water for your hike or visit. Fresh, potable water is in the main square just outside the church. Make sure to fill your water bottle before you continue. When the water is not potable at fountains, it will be signed as such.

The original altar inside Santa Margherita d’Antiochia medieval church in Vernazza Cinque Terre
The original altar inside Santa Margherita d’Antiochia.

Monterosso al Mare

Tourist packed beach of Monterosso al Mare Cinque Terre
Tourist packed beach of Monterosso al Mare.

By far, this is the busiest and most touristy of the five villages. The massive beach area attracts sun worshipers. The village appears to be divided into two areas. On one side, is the commercial area, beach and all the tourists. On the other side, as you hike along the waterfront, is the quieter (yet still hectic!) area with winding streets, a square and quaint shops. The Church of San Giovanni Baptista is located on the calmer side of the village. This is the prettiest of the churches in Cinque Terre with its black and white striped marble walls.

Interior of Church of San Giovanni Battista, Monterosso al Mare, Italy
San Giovanni Battista is translated as Saint John the Baptist.

Prosciutto and melon are a must while in Italy so we stopped for a break before heading back to the train and the ride back to La Spezia. Our time in Cinque Terre had come to an end.

proscuitto and melon with wine at Cinque Terre
Mmmm… proscuitto and melon!

Thinking of Going to Cinque Terre?

Now that you have some information on how to enjoy this astonishing region, you can book your flights and head to the Italian Riviera. We stayed in La Spezia but there are options to stay in Cinque Terre as well. We came across some lost, sweaty travellers hauling their suitcases up and down the streets trying to find their accommodations. They stopped to ask someone for directions to which they got the reply, “You are staying here? That’s brave.” I am not sure what the comment meant. I am also not sure how long it took the young men to find their place of rest either. I do know we thoroughly enjoyed this fantastic location. Cinque Terre is as beautiful as the pictures portray.

A single plant stands up behind a wall and overlooks the Italian Riviera from Corniglia Cinque Terre
As far as the eye can see from the edge of Corniglia.

All pictures in this post are taken by Charlotte, yours truly, as always, unless otherwise stated.

Pick up my Published Travel Memoir for Inspiration:

Roam Free is a deeply personal and often hilarious travel memoir that pulls you in to the wild and woolly ride of my epic travel adventures. If you loved Peter Mayle’s A Year in Provence, you’ll delight in Roam Free’s sweetly innocent deep dive into a life of untethered long-term travel. Get your copy on Amazon and become inspired today.

“I just finished your book and I wrote a great review on Amazon. Congratulations on your book, your blogging career, and mostly on your courage to step out of the box then burn the damn box!! Your book is inspiring. Bravo.” – Irene Cabay

Get Your Custom-Built Itinerary:

Want to make your own adventure travel memories but don’t know where to start? A Wandering Web Travels can help you plan and book your bucket list travel today.

Enter for your chance to win a FREE trip! *Terms and conditions apply.*

Book Your Flight and Car Rental:

Find cheap transportation by using Kiwi.com. This search engine combs websites and airlines around the globe to become the ultimate travel hack.

Book Your Accommodation:

You can book hotels, apartments, resorts, villas, B&Bs and guest houses at Booking.com! They consistently return the most economical rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.

Like surprises? Try Hotwire.com and Save up to 60% off 4+ Star Hot Rate Hotels!

Always been curious about Airbnb but afraid to try? Now you can check them out and earn up to $62 CAD off your first trip!

Check out our world recommendations page on Where to Stay!

Book Your Small-Group Tour, Activities and Attractions:

For the best small-group tours check out G Adventures’ Insanely affordable tours!

Viator is another great option so don’t miss out! Guaranteed lowest prices on tours and activities.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance:

Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. We like World Nomads because they have great rates and cover a range of adventurous activities.

P.S. – If you’ve found our website helpful and like to book travel yourself, please consider booking your next trip through the links on our Resources Page. We have personally used the companies listed there in our own travels. By booking through these links, the small commission we earn helps us keep the content up to date, expand our resources, and keep the website community supported.

Mission statement: Transform your life with travel—one destination, one adventure, one story at a time.

thinking of going to Cinque Terre
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Wondering about the best way to see the Cinque Terre? Check out this travel blogger post for a list of the best things to do in the Cinque Terre! #TravelBloggerPhotography #TravelBlogToFollow
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